Conferences, Journals and Workshops (For PL and Compilers)

Conferences: Link to heading

Sl.No. Conference Submission Core Rank (2020) Scope of the Conference
1 POPL July A* Programming languages and systems (both theoretical and experimental papers).
2 PLDI November A* All programming-language concepts, novel system designs, thorough empirical work, well-motivated theoretical results, and new application areas.
2 OOPSLA October and April A* All practical and theoretical investigations of programming languages, systems, and environments.
3 ECOOP December and March A Originally focused on object-orientation, now includes all practical and theoretical investigations of programming languages, systems, and environments.
5 SAS May A Program verification, abstract interpretation, compiler optimization, model-checking, type checking, etc.
6 CGO May and September A Code generation, translation, transformation, and optimization. Includes dynamic/static, profile-guided, feedback-directed, and hybrid analysis.
7 CC November A Compilation and interpretation techniques, runtime techniques, programming tools, design, and implementation.
8 ISMM March A Memory management, covering the areas of memory performance, allocator design, garbage collection, architectural support for memory management, persistent memories, emerging memory technologies, and more.
9 ICFP March A Language design, implementation, software-development techniques, foundations, analysis and transformation, applications, education, etc.
10 PACT March A Parallel architectures, compilers and tools for parallel computer systems, insights for the design of parallel architectures and compilers from modern parallel applications, neuromorphic computing.
11 PPOPP August A Compilers and runtime systems for parallel and heterogeneous systems, development, analysis, or management tools, performance analysis, debugging and optimization, formal analysis and verification.
12 DLS June B Research and experience on all aspects on dynamic languages

Journals: Link to heading

Sl.No. Journal Submission Core Rank (2020) Scope of the Journal
1 TOPLAS All year A* All works on the theory and practice of programming languages, inclusive of their semantics, their implementation and their verification.
2 TACO All year A* All hardware, software, and system research spanning the fields of computer architecture and code optimization.
3 FMSD All year A Formal methods for designing, implementing, and validating hardware and software system.Works describing original work in all aspects of formal methods as they relate to system design
4 SCP All year A All work on design, implementation and evaluation of programming languages. Along with programming environments, development tools, visualisation and animation.
5 CSUR All year A* All surveys and tutorials on areas of computing research or practice.

Workshops: Link to heading

Sl.No. Workshop Submission Core Rank (2020) Scope of the Workshop
1 VMIL March Unranked All works on the specification, implementation, and deployment of virtual machines.
2 SOAP August Unranked All works on analysis framework ideas, application of existing static analysis techniques to industrial software, adoption of static analysis in software engineering practices (such as DevOps), innovative designs, and analysis techniques, including preliminary results or work in progress.