September 28th-29th 2024:
Attended “IICT 2024” at Bangalore, India. [Photo]
September 29th 2024:
Talk on “Program Analysis for Managed Runtimes in Presence of Dynamic Features” at “IICT 2024”.
August 14th 2024:
Talk on our PLDI paper “Optimistic Stack Allocation and Dynamic Heapification for Manged Runtimes.” at “ComputerSysTalks@India 2024”.
July 19th-20th 2024:
Attended “SERI 2024” at Coimbatore, India.
July 20th 2024:
Talk on our PLDI paper “Optimistic Stack Allocation and Dynamic Heapification for Manged Runtimes.” at “SERI 2024”.
June 23rd-28th 2024:
Attended “PLDI 2024” conference at Copenhagen, Denmark.
June 27th 2024:
Presented our PLDI paper at “PLDI 2024”.
June 21st 2024:
“Excellence in Teaching Assistantship” award for TA of Spring Semester 2024 (Course: Code Optimization for Object-Oriented Languages) 🎉. [Photo]
May 16th 2024:
“Paper Acceptance at FMSD” Paper titled “Partial Program Analysis for Staged Compilation Systems” accepted for publication at FMSD 2024. 🎉.
April 23rd 2024:
“Spotlight” PLDI paper “Optimistic Stack Allocation and Dynamic Heapification for Manged Runtimes” in the spotlight of CSE department webpage. 🎉.
April 1st 2024:
“Paper Acceptance at PLDI”. Paper titled “Optimistic Stack Allocation and Dynamic Heapification for Manged Runtimes” accepted at PLDI 2024 Copenhagen, Denmark June 24-28, 2024. 🎉.
March 30th 2024:
“PLACID 2024” Part of the orgranizing team for “Programming Languages and Compilers in Industry Day (PLACID 2024)” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Bombay.
March 11th 2024:
“Poster Presentation Winner” in RISC'24 at Department of Computer Science and Engineering @ IIT Bombay 🎉. [Photo]
February 17th 2024:
Sucessfully completed course on Introduction to GPU Programming organised by IIT Madras. [Certificate]
January 25th 2024:
“Excellence in Teaching Assistantship” award for TA of Autumn Semester 2023 (Course: Advanced Compilers) 🎉.
January 4th 2024:
Joining the Artifact Evaluation Committee ECOOP 2024.
January 3rd 2024:
Joining the Artifact Evaluation Committee PLDI 2024.
December 11th-15th 2023:
Attended course on Introduction to GPU Programming orgranised by IIT Madras.
October 22nd-27th 2023:
Virtually attended SPLASH 2023, Cascais, Portugal].
June 2nd-3rd 2023:
Attended SERI 2023, University of Goa, Goa, India.
June 2nd 2023:
Gave a talk on “Staged Static+Dynamic Partial Analysis for Java-like languages” at SERI 2023 , University of Goa, Goa, India.
February 24th-25th 2023:
Attended ISEC 2023, IIIT Allahabad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India.
December 5th-10th 2022:
Attended SPLASH 2022, Auckland New Zealand.
December 7th 2022:
Presented SAS Paper at SPLASH 2022.
December 5th 2022:
Presented Poster SPLASH SRC 2022.
October 12th 2022:
Qualified PhD Comprehensive Examination.
August 30th 2022:
ACM SRC submission accepted. Aditya Anand “A Study of the Impact of Callbacks in Staged Static+Dynamic Partial Analysis”. In Companion Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH Companion 2022).
July 16th 2022:
SAS paper accepted. Aditya Anand and Manas Thakur. “Principles of Staged Static+Dynamic Partial Analysis”. In Proceedings of the 29th Static Analysis Symposium (SAS), Auckland, New Zealand, December 5th-10th, 2022.`
April 25th 2022:
Upgraded from MS to PhD.
July 13-17,2021:
Attended 35th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), Virtual Event.
July 15-17,2021:
Attended 3rd Software Engineering Research in India update meeting (SERI), Virtual Event.